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Certificat d'études économiques français (DU CEEF)

Dernière mise à jour :

French Certificate for Economics Studies

  • 4 departments regrouping three former universities (Bordeaux 1, 2 and 4)
  • 19 schools and 5 institutes
  • 2924 professors
  • 50 000 students (6220 foreign students)

School of Economics, management sciences and economic and social administration

In the Southwestern part of France, this School is the most important institution of higher éducation in economics and management sciences.

  • 138 permanent professors
  • 230 temporary professors
  • 4200 students


Course objectives

This Diploma is designed for foreign students who wish to pursue their studies in a Licence 3 (3rd year) or Masters 1 program (4th year) in the School of Economics, Management and AES at the University of Bordeaux.

This one semester course allows students to strengthen their level in French and to acquire specific vocabulary and expressions in their major. In addition, students will develop work methodology practices that will enhance their knowledge of economics.




Application, with all required documents, must be completed in  English and sent by e-mail to the address presented in the file.


Students welcoming in Bordeaux

The urban area of Bordeaux is made up of 28 towns and has 750 000 inhabitants.
At the heart of the famous wine region, the urban Community of Bordeaux is also a major center for tourism, new technologies and aircraft industry. Capital of the new "Aquitaine, Limousin, Poitou-Charentes" region, Bordeaux has become the third largest French region.


地处著名的葡萄酒产区的心脏地带,波尔多市也是旅游,新技术和航空工业的主要中心。随着新的“阿基坦,普瓦图 - 夏朗德,利木赞”大区的成立,波尔多已经成为法国第三大大区的首府。

The welcoming of the DU students is provided by the company FORMALINK. The proposed services are the following:


  • welcome at the train station or at the airport,
  • family or roommate housing,
  • Help with paperwork (Opening a bank account, purchase insurance, registration at the university, etc.).
  • Support for all the problems of everyday life (doctor, etc.).
  • 火车站接站或机场接机
  • 住宿安排(居民房或学生公寓)
  • 协助各类新生手续(银行开户、购买保险、学校注册,等等)
  • 协助解决日常生活中的疑难杂症(例如看医生等)

The company FORMALINK manages every year the welcoming of about one hundred non-francophone students in Bordeaux.


Requirements for the university diploma

Three years university diploma or a Bachelor’s degree from a business school. In partnership with chinese institutions, the DU CEEF can be considered as the fourth year of Benke and permit after to integrate a master 1 in economics in the faculty of economics and management of Bordeaux.

  1. Examination of the application by a committee.

  2. B1 levels in French and minimum requirements in mathematics and statistics.

  3. Strengthening in French and Economics in the country of origin (600 hours)

  4. Selection by Campus France to obtain a student visa.

Training cost : 4500 €

Je candidate


The students can access this program either in september or in january. It takes place at the Faculty of economics and management of the University of Bordeaux.


  • From September to December
  • 从9月份到12月份

French as a foreign language  (190 hours)


  • 100 hours - French as a foreing language
  • 40 hours – Economic vocabulary
  • 40 hours – Business trip
  • 10 hours - Tutoring
  • 100 小时 - 法语
  • 40 小时 - 经济词汇
  • 40 小时 - 企业参观
  • 10 小时 - 指导课 
  • From January to March
  • 从1月份到3月份

SIEIF Programme  « Economics and Management » (150 hours)


  • 70 hours – French as a foreing language.
  • 30 hours – Introduction to macroeconomics.
  • 30 hours – Introduction to microeconomics.
  • 20 hours –Tutoring.
  • 70 小时 - 法语
  • 30 小时 - 宏观经济学入门
  • 30 小时 - 微观经济学入门
  • 20 小时 - 指导课
  • From March  to July
  • 3月份到7月份

DU  Program « CEEF ». Total course and TD :  300 hours


Unit 1:  Language, culture and methodology (180 hours)

单元1 :语言、文化和方法论(180课时)

  • French as a Foreign Language 105 hours
  • E-learning (Voltaire Project) 15 hours
  • Economic English 25 hours
  • Tutoring 35 hours
  • 对外法语105课时
  • 网络教学(伏尔泰项目)15课时
  • 经济学英语 25课时
  • 辅导课 35 课时

Unit 2:  Consolidation of academic achievements (120 hours)


  • Industrial and territorial economy 15hours
  • Development economy 15hours
  • Growth and cycles 15hours
  • Currency, bank, finance 15hours
  • International economy 15 hours
  • Statistics and econometrics 15 hours
  • Project Methodology 15 hours
  • 工业与区域经济学 15课时
  • 发展经济学 15 课时
  • 增长与周期 15 课时
  • 货币,银行与金融 15 课时
  • 国际经济 15 课时
  • 统计与计量经济学 15 课时
  • 项目方法论15 课时

Course model

Link to the model updated: 02-03-2025


Contact us

  • Bertrand BLANCHETON

    Person in charge of the DU

  • Frédéric GUYOT


    Bureau H1-111